Former Mayor Rich Crispo loves Newcastle’s history and network of trails.
How long have you lived in Newcastle and what brought you here?
My wife and I moved to Newcastle in 2004 and lived there until the Fall of 2022. We were returning from a job assignment in Southern California and picked Newcastle due to the small-town feel, good access to transportation, and proximity to our children living in Issaquah and Kirkland.
What are some of the ways you have contributed to our community?
During our 18 years as residents, I was member/Director/President of the Highlands HOA, Councilmember/Mayor (two terms) of the City, Officer of the Historical Society (author of many of the historical signs and cemetery docent), founding member of the Golf Club's Men's Association, and member of Newcastle Trails (participated in trail construction).
Tell us a Newcastle memory.
I met with Milt Swanson once a week for two years. He had been born in Newcastle in 1918 near the YMCA and lived most of his entire life in town. Through Milt, I learned the history of the City, the surrounding area, and the people involved in the local development.
What do you hope for the future of Newcastle?
Maintain its autonomy and continue to look for ways to be financially solvent without reducing the basic services expected of a small City. I would like to see the completion of an historical center in the area north of China Falls.
What is your idea of a perfect weekend in Newcastle?
A round of golf at the Golf Club, lunch at Tapatio, a hike on the historical trails of the City, dinner at Yea’s, then a concert in the park.
The Old Miner's Cemetery was always special to me. I spent many a day there cleaning and looking for additional gravesites. I knew stories about many of those interred and therefore felt a closeness, often passing the time of day with them.