Elections and voter registration for Newcastle is administered by King County. Below are key resources to help you register, vote, and stay informed.
Voter Registration
Register to vote and find eligibility requirements on the King County Elections website. Voter registration must be completed at least 30 days before an election to participate.
King County Elections
Visit the King County Elections website for accessible voting options, ballot drop box locations, candidate and measure information, elections results, and more. Use the Find My District tool to look up your County Council district, State Legislative district, and Congressional district.
WA State Elections
For statewide election information, including an online voter’s guide, visit the Washington Secretary of State Elections website.
Running for Newcastle City Council
Interested in serving your community? To run for City Council, you must be a registered voter in Newcastle, meet all the qualifications for office at the time of filing, and submit the necessary filing forms with King County Elections. To find more details on filing requirements, including a candidate manual, visit the King County Elections website.
Please contact the City Clerk at [email protected] or 425.386.4114.