Newcastle City Hall
12835 Newcastle Way, Suite 200
Newcastle, WA 98056-1306
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. daily.
Closed weekends and legal holidays.
Main: 425.649.4444
Emergency: 911
Police Non-Emergency: 206.296.3311
City Hall is ADA accessible. Meeting rooms are not currently available to the general public. Parking is available adjacent to the building.
Newcastle Mission and Vision
The mission is to serve the Newcastle Community in an effective, efficient, professional, friendly and fiscally responsible manner that fosters a sense of community and assures equity, integrity, dignity and respect.
Our guiding vision for the community is that of a diverse, safe, tolerant and economically viable residential and business community, with its foundation in strong neighborhoods, family values, trust, respect for the natural environment and an appreciation of its history.