Maria Lindberg is the Senior Accountant at City of Newcastle. On staff for more than twenty years, witness to many significant community events, she shares how she feels an “immense sense of pride in saying ‘I work for the City of Newcastle.”
How long have you lived/worked in Newcastle?
I began my employment with the City of Newcastle in October 2001. The proximity of Newcastle to my home, my children’s schools, and the small-town feel is what attracted me to seek employment here. I had the honor of being offered the position of Accounting Technician which I gladly accepted and have been forever grateful that I did. I've had many titles and responsibilities, all within the Finance Department. One of the many things I enjoy about working in Finance is my role of being part of a team that has the responsibility of being the gatekeepers of City funds.
When I began working here, both my children were young and attending local schools within the Issaquah School District, alongside many of the children living in Newcastle, which enabled me to get to know many of the families in Newcastle on a personal level. I will eternally appreciate that the culture at the City was one of family/work balance. I was able to bring my children to work with me in the mornings, letting them sort mail and make photocopies. Being able to flex my lunch schedule allowed me to drop them off at school each morning. I was also fortunate enough to be able to volunteer as a chaperone on their school field trips as well as coaching one of my daughter’s soccer teams for two seasons. It is due to the City’s balanced work culture that I was able to do these memory-making events.
What are some of the ways you contribute to our community?
I feel that my career has grown along with the growth of Newcastle. When I began my employment here, Coal Creek Parkway was just a two-lane road. It has been exciting to see the growth within the city, both as an employee as well as having personal connections with many of the families here. As an employee, I have seen projects and improvements within the city from beginning to end. I have sat ringside for all City projects since I began my employment here, starting with the ideas and discussions of projects, then Council decisions, contracts being drafted, and the payment of invoices. I have been able to hear firsthand from local families what their thoughts of projects and changes within the city throughout the years have been, and how it affected their way of living within the city, both good and bad.
Tell us a Newcastle memory.
Some of my fondest memories of Newcastle have been coming to events with my family, such as Newcastle Days and waiting in line for the pony rides, enjoying a warm evening sitting in lawn chairs and having dinner while listening to live music at Concerts in the Park, and playing frisbee and waiting for the Fireworks to begin on the Fourth of July. I love to wander through Newcastle Fruit & Produce in the Spring and Summer, and in the Fall having the whole family picking out our Christmas tree. We love coming to Newcastle to have a meal at Yea’s Wok or Loco Chon and having a different dessert experience at Frosty Barrel.
Being a small city we have a limited number of staff. I can say, hands down, that the staff here at Newcastle are, and always have been, without a doubt, exceptional. Having a small staff yet still providing many of the same services as the larger cities surrounding us means that each employee is expected to wear multiple hats, and we do. This is another of the many reasons I have enjoyed working here for so long. I am always learning and working on multiple projects at a time which makes my position both exciting and enjoyable. There is never a dull moment, and every day is different.
What do you hope for the future of Newcastle?
My hope for the future of Newcastle is to continue to make improvements that have direct impact for current and future residents including children. For this to happen, the City needs to have the funds to do so to continue with the current level of services that our residents have come to expect. I would love to see more involvement of the residents regarding letting Council and Commissioners know what is important to them, what they like or dislike, and what direction they would like the future Newcastle to look like. It is so important that ALL residents have their voices heard, not just a few. This is easy to accomplish just by taking the time to be fully informed by coming to Council Meetings or watching them on the city YouTube channel. Come to the annual town hall. Get involved. Talk to your neighbors. It only takes a few minutes, but changes can last a lifetime.