John Dulcich (left, with Gigi and Alan White) served on City Council for 22 years, including as Mayor three times. Imelda Dulcich (right, with former Newcastle Police Chief Shawn Ledford) is a longtime volunteer with many local organizations.
How long have you lived/worked in Newcastle, and what brought you to live/work in Newcastle?
John has lived in Newcastle since 1991. Imelda and her two children moved from Atlanta in 2000 for our marriage at the then-new Golf Club at Newcastle - 24 years ago.
What are some of the ways you contribute to our community?
John was elected to Newcastle City Council in 1994 and served on the council for 22 years in total. He was mayor three times: 2002-2003, 2004-2005, and 2010-2011. John retired from the council at the end of 2017 when he chose not to seek reelection. He has been an active Rotarian for over 25 years.
John's contribution has always been political and community participation, whether through holding office, serving on committees, or serving as a sounding board to those seeking advice or support. John helped secure regional and federal funding to complete the Coak Creek Parkway expansion and save the city money on the project. He sponsored the city's current door-to-door solicitor regulations, which require solicitors to obtain a license from the city. A champion of public safety, he pushed for additional officers and the city's full-time detective.
John was also responsible for bringing over 100 single-family lots to the community, as well as The Shops at Newcastle Commons and an office building.
Imelda served as Executive Director of the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce from 2012 – 2015. She lists her contributions as helping the helpers and providing support in a background role. One of her favorite roles was when she was asked to be the keynote speaker at a naturalization ceremony at the Newcastle Library, where community members became American Citizens. Imelda was an Irish citizen until she became an American Citizen in 1997. She has also been actively involved in non-profit organizations and held office in local PTAs.
For many years, we have organized events to collect winter wear for teens, ring bells for the Salvation Army, and support community events. We were part of the Newcastle-based Santa and holiday event for more than 12 years, where John played the role of Newcastle Santa and Imelda helped with event coordination. Recently, they passed on this role to a remarkable family who is heavily involved in the community.
Tell us a Newcastle memory.
One of our city's darkest moments was the death of Newcastle Deputy Rich Herzog while John was mayor. We will never forget the breathtaking time when our community united to honor Richard Herzog, his family, and his brethren. That was the city's most trying moment, but it showed the resolve and strength of our community. We came together, and we took care of each other.
What do you hope for the future of Newcastle?
John: Newcastle should continue as a friendly, tight-knit, inclusive suburban community with plenty of housing options, where the passionate citizenry work collectively to continue to make Newcastle one of the best places to live in Puget Sound.
Imelda: Making progress in improving communication, both in-person and online. I believe in conveying issues and providing solutions with civility and consideration.
What is your idea of a perfect weekend in Newcastle?
We love weekends at our house. The best ones are when our adult children are home, and we invite friends over. The gathering goes from our kitchen and family room to our backyard. We'll take an ordinary weekend over a fancy one anytime!
What are some of your favorite Newcastle places to visit?
Our favorite places are anywhere we run into friends and neighbors, whether at the grocery store, restaurant, or a community event. Catching up, sharing stories, and seeing families and friends - that's the sweetness of life.
Photo Information: John is pictured with Gigi and Alan White at Newcastle City Hall in 2017. He's holding White's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame trophy.
Photo Information: Imelda is pictured with former Newcastle Police Chief Shawn Ledford at a 2023 remembrance program for Deputy Richard A. Herzog. Herzog was killed in the line of duty on June 22, 2002.