As Newcastle community members recover from the recent windstorm, various resources are available to assist in cleanup and support. Here’s a guide to key recovery services available in our area.
Debris Disposal
Through December 9, residents can drop off storm-related wood debris without paying standard yard waste fees at the following transfer stations: Bow Lake, Cedar Falls, Enumclaw, Factoria, Shoreline, and Vashon.
Accepted materials include tree limbs, stumps, and logs no longer than six feet in length. Grass clippings, sod, or soil will not be accepted. Note that King County continues to pause free wood debris drop off and anticipates being able to resume this service on Saturday, December 7. (updated 12/2)
For more details, visit the King County Solid Waste Division website.
Property Damage and Tax Relief
If your home or business sustained damage during the storm, King County Emergency Management encourages you to report it. Your input may help Washington State secure federal disaster assistance from FEMA. A form to report damages can be found online.
The Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner has information for homeowners dealing with fallen trees, car damage or other property damages.
Property owners with storm-damaged buildings may qualify for property tax relief. For eligibility details and to apply, visit the King County Assessor website.
Spoiled Food Safety and Replacement
After a power outage, discard perishable food from refrigerators after 4 hours. A full freezer will keep food frozen for about 2 days; a half-full freezer lasts about 1 day. Even if items look or smell fine, remember when in doubt, throw it out.
SNAP recipients who lost food purchased with their benefits due to a power outage may qualify for reimbursement. Contact the DSHS Customer Service Center at 877-501-2233 or visit a local Community Services Office within 10 days of the loss. DSHS will verify your loss with local authorities and replace benefits up to your monthly allotment if eligible.