Council Meeting Roundup for April 4
Posted on 04/07/2023
Newcastle City Council

On April 4, 2023, Council held its regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. Prior to the regular meeting, at 6:00 p.m., Council held a study session to discuss the 2023 contribution to A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) and to hold an executive session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) to discuss matter(s) relating to potential litigation and legal risk. Executive sessions are closed to the public in accordance with state law, and no final actions are taken during these sessions.   

If you missed watching the regular meeting live, you can always see videos of past Council and Commission meetings on our YouTube channel.  

Here are the highlights from last week’s meeting. See the Agenda Packet for additional information and documentation.  


Study Session 

Council discussed the City’s 2023 contribution to ARCH, and the topic will come back to Council for a decision at a later date. (No voting takes place during study sessions.) 



Arbor Day 2023 was proclaimed to be Wednesday, April 26. We hope you’ll join us that day at China Creek Park from 2-3 p.m. for a celebration and tree-planting!  

Volunteer Week in Newcastle was proclaimed to be April 16 – 22, and it recognizes and celebrates the volunteer contributions from organizations such as Newcastle Trails, Newcastle Historical Society, local Scout troops, Friends of the Newcastle Library, Newcastle Arts Council, and the City’s Community Activities and Planning Commissions. 


Councilmember Comment Highlights 

Councilmember Villaseñor noted that he joined Newcastle Trails for their annual meeting, he thanked them for all the work they do in the community, and he encouraged residents to get out and enjoy the trails. Councilmember Griffin expressed his appreciation for the audience members who made it out to the council meeting in person. Councilmember Charbonneau drew attention to the latest issue of Newcastle Living magazine, which has a feature on some City staff members. Deputy Mayor Sherlock thanked staff for suggesting a mini-roundabout at an intersection where they’d noticed a lot of people blowing a stop sign. Mayor Newing celebrated that Newcastle has again been named one of the safest cities in Washington by Safewise, coming in at #12. She also was pleased that the City has been named a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation. 


Waste Management Annual Report 

Laura Moser, Waste Management Public Sector Manager, gave a presentation on the WM 2022 annual report. She invited the public to the WM Recycling Center Virtual Tour on April 28 from 12 – 1 p.m. She also noted that WM has been donating $15,000 to the City of Newcastle annually to support our summer events, and that they will continue to do so through the life of our contract. 


City Manager Report 

The written report covers upcoming events, staffing events, and Public Works updates. It also notes that the Community Activities Commission vacancy application period has been extended to April 14, and it gives a summary of the Newcastle Trails annual meeting. 


Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Quarter 1  

Public Works Director Jeff Brauns gave an update for the first quarter of the year on the CIP. You can read the update memorandum and view the accompanying presentation slides. 


Newport Hills Creek Railroad Embankment Project 

Council adopted Resolution 2023-940, the design contract for Phase 2 of the Newport Hills Creek railroad embankment surface water management project, S-017. 


Opioid Settlement Agreement 

Council adopted a motion to participate in a settlement agreement between the State of Washington and opioid distributors Teva, Allergan, CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart. 


Approved on Consent 

o Minutes of March 21 

o Adoption of Resolution 2023-941 (Local Government Investment Pool authorization)  

o Adoption of Resolution 2023-942 (design contract for T-046, 112th Ave SE non-motorized improvements) 

o Adoption of Resolution 2023-939 (2023 City strategic plan) 


The Newcastle City Council wants to hear from you! Members of the public are invited to share thoughts during public hearings or during the two open public comment periods at meetings. Regular meetings of the City Council currently occur on the first and third Tuesdays of each month starting at 7 p.m., unless otherwise noted. You can email your thoughts to Councilmembers at [email protected]. 

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