Rich Herzog was born in Corona and raised in Placerville, California. He graduated from El Dorado High School and enlisted in the U.S. Army. He became a member of the Army’s Special Forces, worked in intelligence, learned Korean, and earned his Bachelor’s degree. While stationed in Hawaii, Rich met and fell in love with Sun Cha Yi, his wife of nearly 20 years. Together they had two daughters. After retiring from the Army, He continued his commitment to public service. In 1995 he joined the King County Sheriff’s Office. Rich was soon selected for assignment with the City of Newcastle.
On Saturday, June 22, 2002, an out-of-control male was endangering citizens. Rich responded to the disturbance and a struggle ensued. It was at this scene (on Coal Creek Parkway) that Rich made the supreme sacrifice giving his life while serving and protecting the citizens of Newcastle.
Our community will always have a tremendous amount of love and respect for Rich. He spent a great deal of time patrolling neighborhoods, talking to residents and passing out stickers to the children. He was a true hero and dedicated his life to serving his country and community.
Officer Rich Herzog’s Call Sign “2-H-2” has been retired permanently.
— Deputy Herzog's Officer Down Memorial Page
— Leave a reflection for Deputy Herzog on his Officer Down Memorial Page
— King County Sheriff's Office In Remembrance Page
— Gov. Gary Locke's remarks at Deputy Herzog's memorial
— Seattle Times article (June 23, 2002)
— Seattle P.I. photos from Deputy Herzog's memorial service (June 26, 2002)