*** For the latest information on the implementation of the Master Plan, visit the Master Plan Implementation page. ***
2016 Lake Boren Park Master Plan Update (P-022)
Lake Boren Park is the much-loved 20-acre community park at the heart of the city. It hosts many community celebrations throughout the year. Park users enjoy its walking paths, playground, open fields, and other amenities. The 2016 Lake Boren Park Master Plan serves as a long range plan to guide future park improvements, big and small. These improvements will be implemented in phases over many years to come, as resources allow.
Goals and Benefits
The purpose of the plan is to assure that future park improvements are part of a larger vision for the park, and that this vision comes from park users themselves. The public engagement process guided the plan and identified Lake Boren Park’s strengths and opportunities.
The intent of the plan is to preserve the activities and character park users enjoy, while identifying opportunities to meet additional needs, better utilize some areas, and improve connectivity both within the park and beyond.
Through the public input process, park users identified several priorities for future park improvements. Park users would like to experience a greater connection to Lake Boren, Boren Creek, and wetlands. They would like to have more opportunities to play and explore, and have access to the newly acquired lands that expand the park. They would also like to see flexible open space preserved for unstructured play. Additional benefits of the park include measures to improve accessibility and safety as well as support wildlife habitat and natural systems.
Final Master Plan Graphic (PDF, 2.5MB) - Click to view

Final Master Plan Document (PDF, 9.4 MB) - Click to view
Final Master Plan Appendix (PDF, 4.8MB) - Click to view
The Appendix includes the public input data, permitting memorandum, Wetland/Stream Reconnaissance Report, SEPA documents, public meeting notes, and City Council resolution.
The Master Plan was adopted by City Council on October 4, 2016.
Park improvements will consist of independent projects implemented as budget and staffing resources allow. Design of select projects will begin in 2017.
Consultant: Berger Partnership
Public Involvement Summary
The Master Plan Update featured a comprehensive public outreach process. The outline below offers a summary. Detailed information is available below.

Community Survey
Public Meetings
- Public Meeting #1: January 11, 2016, Newcastle Elementary School
- Public Meeting #2: March 10, 2016, Seattle Revival Center
- Display Boards (coming soon)
- Photos
- Public Meeting #3: April 26, 2016, Hazelwood Elementary School
Park Kiosk
City Council Updates
Community Activities Commission (CAC)
Multiple update briefings were conducted beginning in May 2015 and continuing through September 2016.