Newcastle’s Surface Water Management Program addresses both water quality (pollutants) and water quantity (flood control) problems.
Management of stormwater prevents physical damage to property from flooding and maintains the ecological integrity, quality and quantity of our local water resources.
Here's a look at what the city does:
Stormwater System Maintenance
Stormwater maintenance staff inspect our publicly owned or maintained storm drainage systems on a regular basis to verify the structural integrity of our infrastructure.
During inspections, City staff also verify that there are not any illicit discharges or connections to the stormwater system, as well as check the sediment accumulation levels in structures.
Based on their inspections, City staff make needed repairs, remove sediment and pollutants from our stormwater system, and perform routine maintenance such as mowing detention ponds. Our stormwater staff protect water quality by removing pollutants from storm drains, ditches, ponds, and underground facilities.
Private Stormwater Inspection Program
The City works with local business and property owners to ensure that privately owned stormwater systems are functioning properly by inspecting and requiring maintenance or repairs be completed if necessary. These inspections and regular maintenance helps the stormwater systems to function as they were designed and prevents water quality degradation, downgradient erosion, and flooding. The City will notify business or property owners by letter prior when is it time for their next inspection.
For Property and Business Owners
Maintenance requirements for typical stormwater facilities can be found in Appendix A of the 2021 King County Surface Water Design Manual.
Capital Improvement Projects
The City repairs, retrofits, and adds new stormwater facilities where needed for water quality and water quantity control. The City also restores and enhances our streams and wetlands. Our new Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan will be completed in May 2017, and will prioritize future storm or surface water Capital Improvement Projects.